Thursday, December 29, 2011

Imaginative Narratives FBI Project

Usually in the middle of the year, we start concentrating on writing imaginative narratives. From what I've seen from most of my classes, they aren't big into writing. I decided to come up with a FBI project to get them motivated. The biggest thing to know about this project is making sure you present this as a really big idea and how cool it is when you introduce it to your class. Basically, tell them they are all trying to get into to the FBI by writing imaginative narratives. After they learned several techniques to writing these narratives, they complete their FBI "application". The critical skills section is where they write one thing they have learned that is part of an imaginative narrative. The rest should be self explanatory. At the end, if they pass we use an ink pad and they put their fingerprints on their application and I take a picture of them in black sunglasses that I attach to their application and hang in the hallway next to their best written imaginative narrative.
*I can't figure out how to attach a word document, so just let me know if you want a copy of the application.

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